On Tap: This Weekend’s Cycling Events for November 4-5, 2017

SoCal Cross Cyclocross

This weekend includes a fun array of cycling events to participate in including Bike the Coast,  the 27 th Annual Dino Dash and the SoCal Cross – Anza Cross cyclocross event.

November 4 – BIKE THE COAST

Cycling, food, fun and great friends all go together at the Oceanside Pier for an experience everyone loves! Ride 100, 50 or 25 miles along the gorgeous Southern California coastline.  More info >

November 5 – 27 th ANNUAL DINO DASH

Join  The Dinosaur Dash … and help support local public schools.  There is an event for everyone–the timed 10K and 5K, the 2K Fun Run and the non-timed 5K, 15K and 50K Bike Tour.  Join in for the expo before and after the event for food, games and more.

All proceeds benefit the non-profit Tustin Public Schools Foundation and local public schools.  More info >

November 5 – SoCal Cross – Anza Crossing

Enjoy a fun day of cyclocross racing with CX at Santa Ana Riverside! More info >

Check back to SoCalCycling.com’s Event Calendars for more great events, including competitive RoadMountain Biking and Cyclocross, as well as Fun Rides and Gran Fondos  and Results!

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