Pasadena Senior Games Cycling Event Comes to Long Beach on June 18 & 19

The annual Pasadena Senior Games Cycling races will be held on Tuesday, June 18 and Wednesday, June 19 at Long Beach’s beautiful El Dorado Park. Pasadena Senior Games is part of a nationwide program of multi-sport Olympic-style athletic events for adults 50+.

Pasadena Senior Games Cycling events include 5K & 10K Time Trials and 20K & 40K Road Races. Cycling Road Race events for older adults are rare across the country. Of the seven different regional Senior Games in California, Pasadena is the only one that currently hosts Cycling Road Race. The garden setting of El Dorado Park, and the safety aspects of this closed course away from street traffic, make this a favorite competition for older cyclists.

The timing and officiating for Senior Games Cycling will be provided by SoCal Cyclocross, headed by Dorothy Wong. The cost to register is $40 athlete fee plus $20 per event. Online registration is open through June 16 and race day registration will be available.

Pasadena Senior Games are both competitive and inclusive. There is no pre-qualification necessary, and novice competitors are welcome along with elite athletes. Medals are awarded to age categories in five-year increments (from 50-54 up to 90+) for men and for women. Fun, welcoming, and run in accordance with national standards, Pasadena Senior Games is an annual coming-together of people from around the region that creates community, reinforces a sense of belonging, forges friendships, and sometimes even sets sports records. Registration and information online at or call the Senior Games office at 626-685-6755.

Pasadena’s Games, celebrating 30 years in 2023, are produced by the Pasadena Senior Center, part of the Center’s mission to Engage, Enrich, and Empower older adults. Find out more about our programs at

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