How to Have the Best Season Ever!
By Mike McKovich
OK, the season is almost over. Has it been a good season (lots of podiums), a breakthrough season (you are starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel), or is it the same old stuff (lots of hard work, same old results.) For many cyclists, “IT’S THE SAME OLD RESULTS.” Ever wondered WHY? In my experience, cycling is one of the few sports that the athlete really doesn’t look back at their past performances; at the end of the season access their strengths and weaknesses; and than lay out a plan to improve their results for next season. In almost every other sport, football, basketball, baseball, you name it, athletes and or coaches are laying out performance improvement plans for the next season. Part of this lies in the fact that most cyclists don’t use an outside source to review performance, access strengths and weaknesses, and a knowledgeable source on how to improve. They use their cycling friends, internet, magazine articles, etc. The problem with all these sources is two fold; first, everyone is an individual. What works for Joe Biker, will probably not work for Fred Cyclist. Second, most internet and magazine articles are based on assumptions. For instance, most fitness articles assume average fitness. Can anyone explain “AVERAGE FITNESS?”
The first step is a good honest look back. Where you in it for the win almost every race or were you getting kicked out the back on the first hard surge? If you were in it for the win almost every race you can stop here and go ride your bike. IF NOT READ ON.
The second step is physical assessment. What should you check; body composition, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body balance.
The third step is mental assessment. Some of the things you should ask; why am I doing this, do I like the type of racing I am doing, do I have the time to do this, and are my goals realistic. I would suggest you write the questions and answers down. Things like this tend to hit home when they are written down vs. doing them in your head. THESE ARE EXAMPLES. THERE ARE MANY OTHER QUESTIONS BASED ON YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL.
The fourth step is on the bike. What should you check; bike fit, have a power profile done, a pedaling efficiency test, a video tape of your pedaling and bike position, handling skills, pack/racing tactics knowledge.
To conclude, you can continue to do the same old thing and expect different results or spend this off season truly working on IMPROVING YOUR PERFORMANCE!!!!!
Mike McKovich is a Level 2 USA Cycling Coach with Power Coaching Certification and a Training Bible, Master Level Coach.
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