Results: Weekend Roundup

Racers headed to the IE this past weekend for two days of racing, which included the shortened and rolling Rosena Ranch Circuit Race near Glen Helen Raceway (the heart of Southern California Motocross), as well as the Masters Criterium Championships which were held on the seven corner speedfest course in Ontario.

The weather was warm enough to make the Rosena Ranch Circuit Race challenging on the rolling terrain for the longer races, but luckily the temps didn’t get as hot as it is known to in these parts.  The racing was nothing but hot  though and the winners on both days proved themselves to be worthy and on Sunday the best Master’s earned the title of Masters Criterium Champion, as well as a Championship Jersey!

Below are the results from the weekend.

Check back to’s Event Calendars for more great events, including competitive Road, Mountain Biking and Cyclocross, as well as Fun Rides and Gran Fondos!

Photo ©  Christy Nicholson /

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