Video: Helmet Cam View of McGarry’s Ride & Backflip at Red Bull Rampage

Hang on as Kelly McGarry takes you on the ride of your life with some amazing GoPro video footage that shows this hair raising ride from his perspective!

The Red Bull Rampage was recently held in Southern Utah, where a group of 25 daring mountain bikers blew the doors off what is possible on two wheels, unleashing some of the biggest moments the sport has ever seen. Veteran Kyle Strait, who won the event for the second time – eight years after his first Red Bull Rampage title.

Competing for the jaw-dropping moment of the day was New Zealand native Kelly McGarry who backflipped the treacherous 73-foot canyon gap, then stuck the rest of his line with a corked-out flip up high that easily put him into second place. His run also garnered the praise of the 400,000 fans watching online around the world who voted him as the recipient of the first-ever Red Bull Bike People’s Choice Award. Although nervous about his big trick, his decision to do it paid off. “Last night I was freaking out, wondering if I should do it. But I had the speed, it felt right, so I just sent it!” said a jubilant McGarry after the event.

Photo by John Gibson / Red Bull Content Pool

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