Spring Bike Training Rides Return in Southern California

Get ready for Spring Bike Training Rides and enjoy evening cycling with popular rides like the Rose Bowl Ride and Bud's Ride.

Daylight Saving Time Is Here:

More Evening Light for Cycling

With the arrival of Daylight Saving Time, the clocks have moved forward, and while we may have lost an hour of sleep, we’ve gained an extra hour of daylight—perfect for evening bike rides!

The time change also marks the return of some of Southern California’s most popular seasonal bike training rides. As longer daylight hours set in, well-known group rides like the Rose Bowl Ride and Bud’s Ride come out of hibernation, giving cyclists more opportunities to train during the spring and summer months.

Popular Seasonal Group Rides in SoCal

Here’s a closer look at two long-standing SoCal group rides that ramp up with the time change:

Rose Bowl Ride: A Legendary Training Ground for Competitive Cyclists

A staple in the Southern California cycling scene for over 60 years, the Rose Bowl Ride has been a go-to training ride for competitive cyclists looking to build speed and fitness. This fast-paced group ride attracts elite racers and dedicated enthusiasts, making it an ideal setting to sharpen race tactics, improve endurance, and ride in a dynamic peloton.

  • Day
    Every Tues/Thurs
  • Start Time
  • Location
    Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA  (Ride start is at the south side of the Rose Bowl)
  • Distance
    30 miles
  • Duration
    1 hour / 10 laps

Rose Bowl Ride Details >

Bud’s Ride: A Great Training Ride for New and Experienced Cyclists

If you’re new to cycling and looking for a ride to test your fitness, the Bud’s Ride is a perfect choice. This long-standing Southern California training ride offers a structured yet challenging environment for cyclists of all levels to improve their endurance, speed, and group riding skills.

Bud’s Ride attracts a mix of experienced riders and newcomers, making it an excellent opportunity to learn from seasoned cyclists while pushing your limits. Whether you’re training for races or simply looking to build fitness, this ride provides a great workout.

Buds Ride Video:

Subscribe to SoCalCycling.com’s YouTube Channel

  • Day Every Wednesday (March – November during Daylight Savings)
  • Start Time  5:30 pm
  • Main Start  Starbucks in Claremont, CA on 2nd St. and Yale Ave. Parking at Jax Bicycle Shop on 1st Street.
  • Alternate Start  Corner of Puddingstone Dr. and “E” Street in San Dimas, CA (5:40 pm)
  • Distance  25-30 miles
  • Duration 1.5 hours

Bud’s Ride Details > 

Ride  With Us – A Look Back at Riding the Bud’s Ride >

For more top cycling training rides in Southern California, check out SoCalCycling.com’s curated list of Training Rides to find the best routes for improving your skills and endurance.


Photo © Christy Nicholson / EchelonDesignPhoto.com

Disclaimer: This information is provided on this site strictly for informational purposes only. SoCalCycling.com is not affiliated with any training rides or events and is not responsible for any illness, injuries or death to any rider or their bicycle for any reason. Ride at your own risk. Cycling carries a significant risk of personal injury or death. DO NOT participate in these rides unless you are knowledgeable about the risks involved, and are willing to assume personal responsibility for all risks associated with these activities. Please observe all applicable traffic laws, wear a helmet and conduct yourself in a safe and prudent manner while participating.

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