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Hollywood Bike Hub at Hollywood & Vine Moves Forward Before the Metro Board
By Stephen Box

10/25/10 - Hollywood & Vine's "Hollywood Bike HUB" is on its way to the Metro Board for final approval, having just picked up an endorsement from the  Metro's Planning & Programming Committee along with a recommendation that it serve as a "demonstration project" in the establishment of  transit oriented development (TOD) standards.

The Hollywood Bike HUB is a bike shop for locals where cyclists can work on their bikes as well as store them in a secured environment. The Bike HUB would also  offer a Bike Share for residents and a Bike Rental for tourists. In addition, the Bike HUB would serve as a Visitor's Center for tourists  who simply need info on the neighborhood. The Hollywood Bike HUB is good for cyclists, good for residents, good for tourists, good for business and great for transit, offering Metro passengers a "last mile" option.

One  would think that bike storage would be a basic for Metro transit hubs,  especially when surrounded by TOD but such was not the case at Hollywood & Vine.

Fly-through video rendering of the Hollywood Bike HUB - by Jeremy Grant

The Hollywood Bike HUB journey began earlier this  year, about the time that we should have been celebrating the centenary  of the Hollywood & Vine crossroads. Instead, all eyes were on the  ribbon cutting at the W Hollywood's four acres of TOD,  representing the collective machinations of the City of Los Angeles, the  CRA, the Metro, and the Developers, and two-thirds of a billion dollars  in funding from sources that included ARRA, Calpers, and the CRA.

The W Hollywood, from the hotel to the condominiums to the apartments,  claims to channel the Hollywood spirit, connecting to Hollywood's heyday  and "infusing it with the contemporary innovation, energy, elegance,  and excitement" of the W experience. Metro officials positioned the  integrated Hollywood & Vine Red Line station as a "flagship transit  HUB," one that sets a standard for multi-modal connectivity.

None  of this resonated with the pedestrians and cyclists who noted that the  promised intersection improvements failed to materialize, that the promised bike-share and car-share facilities failed to happen, that the  public space was surrounded by fortress walls of exclusivity, and that  cyclists were obviously an afterthought as evidenced by the lack of bike  racks or bike storage.

I spoke up and pointed out that waiting until after  the ribbon cutting to ask "Where do the cyclists fit? is hardly a  demonstration of a multi-modal commitment. While the issue of bike  parking facilities at Hollywood & Vine was the immediate challenge,  the larger problem was the simple fact that TOD projects are being built  throughout the county, (35 underway, 17 more on paper) and yet there  are no Metro TOD standards  in place. Developers qualify for funding  based on their promises of TOD facilities, improving their position by  writing "public benefit" into their proposal, yet without standards in  place, it's a soft claim with little meaning. Hollywood & Vine  proves the point.

While advocating for TOD standards, I proposed  several locations for the Hollywood Bike HUB, a bike facility where  people could not only safely park their bikes, but also rent bikes, get  minor repairs done, and buy bike accessories, such as lights, patch kits, pump, etc. to make their commute more convenient, comfortable, and  safe.

Over the past year, I've been joined by Enci of illuminateLA, Ron Durgin of Sustainable Streets , Glenn Bailey of the LA  Bicycle Advisory Committee, Bart Reed of the Transit Coalition and Jeremy Grant of the LA Bike Working Group. The struggle to incorporate  robust bicycle facilities at the Hollywood & Vine station took us on  a journey that included meetings with Metro staff, the developers, the  tenants, the Sheriff's Department, the CRA, the City Council, the LADOT,  and anyone else with a finger in the pie.

Ultimately, it was the  Deputy Mayor Jaime de la Vega and Metro Boardmember Richard Katz who  embraced the vision of the Hollywood Bike HUB and the notion that TOD  standards should drive the development process, not simply be added as a  garnish at the ribbon cutting.

To that end, Jeremy Grant  developed the Hollywood Bike HUB renderings that went to the Metro Board  this past week and the Planning and Programming Committee approved the  Hollywood Bike HUB concept, sending it to the full Board this Thursday  morning for final approval.

Boardmember Katz added the following language to the Hollywood Bike HUB motion:

"Direct  staff to develop the Hollywood Bike HUB as a demonstration project,  engaging the public and using the process to develop robust TOD  standards that provide systemic commitments to pedestrians, cyclists,  open space, connectivity, accessibility, and community benefit."

The  Hollywood Bike HUB is located on the east side of Vine Avenue, just  south of Hollywood Boulevard. With over a thousand square feet of  interior space, the HUB is a commitment to connectivity, literally and  figuratively. Guests will have access to showers, lockers, activated  public space, and local information services, all as elements of the  HUB's commitment to connectivity.

The intersection of Hollywood & Vine was born 100 years ago when the City of Los Angeles annexed Hollywood, renamed its streets, and ushered in the Golden Age of  Hollywood. Griffith, Pickford and Sennett came to town. Radio Stations  proudly announced "Broadcasting live from Hollywood & Vine!" Record  labels and production companies commissioned architects such as  Schindler, Neutra, and Naidorf/Becket. Charlie Chaplin and Will Rogers  kept offices in the Taft Building along with neighbors such as the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The intersection grew to become one of the busiest in the city and one of the most famous in the world.

Hollywood  & Vine has seen the glamor days of Clara Bow's It Cafe, the Brown  Derby and Sardi's. It has also seen tough times with businesses closing,  buildings falling into disrepair, sidewalks cracking and crowds  toughening. Through it all, it has maintained its status as the center  of Hollywood, crossroads of hopes and dreams for people from around the  world.

I believe that the crowd-sourced solutions that brought  the Hollywood Bike HUB to the Metro Board are an example of all that is  great about Hollywood and evidence that Hollywood is reclaiming its  title as the center of the creative universe.