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Los Angeles Bicycle Plan to Offer 1,680 Mile Bikeway System

3/2/11 – Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, joined by Councilmembers Ed Reyes, Bill Rosendahl, Eric Garcetti, Tom LaBonge, Jose Huizar, Controller Wendy Greuel, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, the Los Angeles County Bike Coalition and bike advocates from across the City, today announced the unanimous adoption of the City's Master Bicycle Plan which lays the framework for a 1,680 mile, city-wide bikeway system in Los Angeles.

“The City’s New Master Bicycle Plan is another great example of Measure R funds at work—we are investing in bicycling as a viable transportation option and in the process encouraging Angelenos to lead healthy, active lifestyles,” Mayor Villaraigosa said.  “With the addition of over 1,600 miles of bikeways, Los Angeles is on the path to becoming a world-class city for bicycling.”

The plan designates a 1,680 mile bikeway system that encompasses a holistic approach to integrate a more livable, healthy Los Angeles.  The implementation strategy includes a commitment to build 40 miles of bikeways a year, four times more than the previous average, and focuses on closing gaps in the existing network and creating new bikeways in lower income and underserved communities.

"With this Bike Plan, we're paving the way for a more bike-friendly L.A.," said Councilmember Ed P. Reyes, who has spearheaded bike projects along the Los Angeles River. "Approval of the City's Bicycle Plan is a critical milestone to support bicycling as a viable and safe transportation alternative. It's a cultural shift on how we view transportation, and opens up more opportunities for bicyclists, of all levels of ability and comfort, to ride in an urban environment."

“The Bicycle Master Plan is a critical step towards making cycling a safe, accessible, healthy alternative to the automobile,” Councilmember Rosendahl said.  “But even more than that, the Plan is an acknowledgment by the City of Los Angeles that the bicycle is a legitimate mode of transportation, deserving of the same consideration and accommodation that we give to automobiles on our roadways."

The City originally adopted a plan in 1977 that envisioned a 600 mile citywide bikeway network. A second plan in 1996 designed a 673 mile network. The New Master Bicycle Plan designates a citywide network of 1,680 miles—673 miles from the 1996 plan plus an additional 1,007 miles.

The plan includes three main bikeway networks—the Backbone Network, the Neighborhood Network and the Green Network.  When completed, the three networks will give a vast majority of Angelenos access to a City bikeway within one mile of their home.

The 707 mile Backbone Network, comprised primarily of bicycle lanes, will enable access to major employment centers, transit stations and stops, and educational, retail, entertainment, and recreational resources.

The 834 mile Neighborhood Network includes local streets with low traffic volumes and slower speeds where bicyclists of all experience levels can feel comfortable. The Neighborhood Network will enable all bicycle riders, including children, families, young adults, and seniors, to access neighborhood facilities including schools, libraries, shopping districts, parks and open space.

The 139 mile Green Network enhances access with bicycle paths and shared use paths to the City’s green open spaces particularly river channels like the Los Angeles River.

The Bike Plan will be funded by Measure R Local Return Funds, local funds from the Transportation Development Act, Federal grant funds from the MTA’s Call for Projects, the State’s Bicycle Transportation Account and Federal and State Safe Routes to Schools.

The City also created a Bicycle Plan Implementation Team to ensure public participation and transparency in the implementation of new bicycle facilities and programs.

The City’s Master Bicycle Plan is the collaborative product of the Los Angeles Department of City Planning, the Department of Transportation, the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition, the greater bicycling advocacy community, City Council and the Mayor’s office.

A full copy of the Plan can be downloaded at labikeplan.org.