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Celebration of Life Ride for Mark Bixby this Friday

Mark Bixby, promoter of the Long Beach Bicycle Festival tragically lost his life last Wednesday in a plane crash at the Long Beach airport and we lost a great friend. 
Tony Cruz invites all cyclists to join in a bike ride in memory of Mark this coming Friday March 25th.  The ride will leave from the parking lot  between the Sailing Center and Gondola Getaway at 8:00 - Map

The ride will be approximately one hour and will return in time for the 10:00 service.
Please share this with anyone that might want to participate in this event in Mark's memory.

Schedule of Events:

Friday, March 25th, 2011
7.30am Watercraft drop offs begin on the beach
            Bikers congregate for memorial ride
            Gondolas arriving to Sailing Center, Long Beach for tie up along launch ramp (Caorlinas)
8am     Cyclist depart for Memorial Ride  Route TBD Time 1 hr.
9am     Shuttle service ready to go on loops from Claremont and Granada lots to Sailing Center
           Cyclists return from ride
10am   Service Starts
12pm   Service concludes, people move towards boats, ready for paddle out
           Shuttle service available to parking lots
           Flowers moved onto gondolas
12.20   Blowing of conch shell signals launch of all boats
12.30   Caorlinas anchor in middle of bay, paddlers and other boats form circle
           Minute of silence
           Offering of flowers
           Celebration (board, paddle, water slapping, splashing)
           Return to beach & docks
1pm     Service ends. Shuttle service assists until no longer necessary