Wednesday Camp Pendleton Ride – Carlsbad, CA

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Wednesday Camp Pendleton ride 8:05 a.m. La Costa Ave & Coast Hwy or 8:15 a.m at Starbucks in downtown Carlsbad.

Since the base has opened up (with some limitations) – the old Wednesday Camp Pendleton has been resurrected. As the above link cautions, you must carry a valid driver’s license or state-issued I.D. in order to get onto the base. No tickee’ No Laundry.

This ride goes all the way to San Clemente for some, but others return sooner in order to get that w— thing in. Going all the way to San Clemente might get you back before 11:00 a.m. if you’re really fast!

Departure times/places: One group leaves from LaCosta and Coast Highway at 8:05 a.m. and others leave from Starbucks in downtown Carlsbad at 8:15 a.m.

There have been reports of the officers at the gate turning back some people, so you have to adhere to the hours, carry your I.D. and abide by the rules. Please ride accordingly (single file, stopping at red lights, etc.), so we can keep this ride going. If we don’t all abide by the rules we will surely loose this priviledge eventually.

Day: Every Wednesday (all year)

Start & Start Time: 8:05 a.m. La Costa Ave & Coast Hwy (map) or 8:15 am @ Starbucks in downtown Carlsbad (map)

Distance: 45 miles

Duration: 2.5-3 hours

Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is strictly for informational purposes only. is not affiliated with any training rides or events and is not responsible for any injuries or death to any rider or damage to their bicycle or other property for any reason. Ride at your own risk. Cycling carries a significant risk of personal injury or death. DO NOT participate in riding a bike, any rides or events unless you are knowledgeable about the risks involved, and are willing to assume personal responsibility for all risks associated with these activities. Please observe all applicable traffic laws, wear a helmet and conduct yourself in a safe and prudent manner while participating.

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