Como Street Ride – Tustin, CA

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The first time I ever heard of the Como Street bicycle training ride I was riding down the Santa Ana Trail, if I remember correctly, and I met up with a another rider heading towards the beach.  Actually, I should say he met up with me as he came from behind me and quickly began to ride away from me.  This, of course, was not acceptable so I sped up and hung on his wheel for several miles before he finally slowed down to a reasonable speed.  We started a conversation and before long he was talking about how he had done this bicycle training ride called the Como Street ride earlier that morning.  I hadn’t done any riding that morning, in fact I had only ridden a few miles when he abruptly passed me.  So I immediately started thinking – “Why am I going slower than this guy when he’s already been riding all day!” What relevance does this story have to the Como Street group ride?  I’m not totally sure, but he was fast and so is the ride.  It’s hard, it’s fast, it’s got hills, and it’s one of the few group rides that actually leaves me behind.  That could be because I usually ride down there, which puts me at a bit of a disadvantage as I live over 40 miles from the start, but at any rate, I’ve never finished in the group!

Day: Sunday (all year)

Start Time: 8:00 am

Start: Tustin Market Place, off the 5 fwy at Jamboree in Tustin CA   (In front of the Red Robin)

32-41 miles

Duration: 2-2.5 hours

Notes: Like many of the weekend bicycle training rides, this ride as a “long route” and a “short route”.  The short route goes directly through Santiago Canyon (from the south entrance), and the long route adds a really nice wooded section through Trabuco Canyon.

Map to Start: Map

Como Street Ride – Short Course


Como Street Ride – Long Course


Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is strictly for informational purposes only. is not affiliated with any training rides or events and is not responsible for any injuries or death to any rider or damage to their bicycle or other property for any reason. Ride at your own risk. Cycling carries a significant risk of personal injury or death. DO NOT participate in riding a bike, any rides or events unless you are knowledgeable about the risks involved, and are willing to assume personal responsibility for all risks associated with these activities. Please observe all applicable traffic laws, wear a helmet and conduct yourself in a safe and prudent manner while participating.

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