Life Time Sea Otter Classic presented by Continental

202320aprAll Day23Life Time Sea Otter Classic presented by ContinentalWorld's Premier Cycling FestivalResults

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Life Time Sea Otter Classic presented by Continental

Sea Otter Gran Fondo Pacifico

Hidden underneath the early-morning fog, nestled among the towering oaks of the Laguna Seca Recreation Area, 300 cyclists will take on an unforgettable 50-mile ride across the historic California coast: the Gran Fondo Pacifico presented by Outside.

Distance – 50 miles

Fun Ride Gran Fondo Carmelo 

Robles Tour

Cover a diverse collection of terrain across a 26-mile off-road trek in the Robles Tour. Uniquely designed for both MTB and gravel riders, Robles combines forest service roads and smooth trails for a stunning ride among the oaks across the historic Fort Ord National Monument. Choose your riding adventure on this untimed recreational ride for all ages and abilities (including eBikes). Take in the scenic vistas at a comfortable pace or crank up the heat and push yourself to the limit.

NEW FOR 2023 Robles riders can choose to ride the full 26-mile course or sample the shortened 10-mile course that is designed for the whole family to ride. 

Distance – 26 miles





April 20, 2023 - April 23, 2023 (All Day)(GMT-07:00)


Laguna Seca Raceway in Monterrey, CA

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World’s Premiere Cycling Festival


Multiple 7 Miles Loops



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