amgen tour of california

Super Fans, including Santa Claus, came out in droves to cheer on the riders as they crested the KOM at the Amgen Tour of California’s epic Mt. Baldy stage in 2012.  Apparently, Santa made Aussie Robbie McEwen’s naughty list when he popped out in front of his gruppetto and Robbie decided to give him a …

AEG, presenter of the Amgen Tour of California professional road cycling race, has unveiled the official race jersey and uniform partner for 2013, Champion System. Champion System is a worldwide leader in custom technical apparel, with distinctive and stylish garments worn by Olympians, National and World Champions, and recreational athletes of all levels. The custom …

Twelve cities have been named official Host City partners for the 2013 Amgen Tour of California by AEG, presenter of the race, helping to make up the route which will take riders on a South to North course for the first time in the eight-year race history. Considered America’s largest and most prestigious professional road …

The Amgen Tour of California, which will take place from May 12-19, will be making a special announcement Tuesday afternoon regarding the 2013 Amgen Tour of California, America’s largest professional road cycling race, and the City of Escondido. Several Escondido city officials will be on hand, as well as special guests from AEG, presenter of …

The Amgen Tour of California, which will take place from May 12-19, is already planning the 2013 edition and is accepting bids for possible Host Cities. According to, Southern California, may see the return of San Diego County’s Escondido as the starting line city indicating that the event may run from South to North. …

2012 Amgen Tour of California – Mt Baldy KOM – Professional cyclists go through the Mt. Baldy KOM with crazy fans. Video was shot using a GoPro HD HERO attached to a Canon camera. Photos can be viewed at Photo © Christy Nicholson / Echelon Design