CicLAvia Celebrates LA on April 15th

On Sunday, April 15th, from 10 am to 3 pm, CicLAvia will create ten miles of car-free city streets for Angelenos. Promoting public health, alternative transportation, open space, economic development and community building through connected neighborhood, CicLAvia encourages participants to make the city “their own”. Bike, jog, take your dog for a walk, stroller small children or skate, it’s up to you!  Participation in CicLAvia is free and open to all, so enjoy this rare chance in discovering and rediscovering Los Angeles. The initial route will be held again and will also add new spurs to El Pueblo/Olvera Street and South LA, for a total of ten miles. Businesses along the corridor will open their doors early so participants can make a full day of it. The program provides a platform for participants to create their own vision for LA; a way to discover and re-discover parts of the city; and not worry about traffic. Modeled after the decades old “ciclovía” in Bogotá, Colombia, and other similar carfree events like New York’s Summer Streets to San Francisco’s Sunday Streets. Participation requires no RSVP, simply show up and enjoy with friends and family and see what Los Angeles can become with innovative thinking! More info >

Photo by Gary Leonard

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