Petition to Create Safe Bike Lanes In Laguna Beach

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If you have ever ridden on PCH through Laguna Beach you have undoubtedly experienced the simultaneous beauty of the coast and the extreme danger for cyclists due to high traffic and the many cars parked along both sides of PCH. A petition has been created for the installation of bike lanes in Laguna Beach on

The petition description explains, “There is a high volume of traffic on the Pacific Coast Hwy (PCH) that runs through Laguna Beach. This combined with beach goer cars parked along both sides of the PCH leave little to no room for cyclists to pass through safely. Opening car doors, people loading their vehicles and large trucks are some of the obstacles that make riding a bike through Laguna Beach very stressful and dangerous. Some options to increase cyclist safety would be to: 1. Only allow parking on one side of the street with a MUT on the other side for pedestrians and cyclists to utilize for safe transportation. 2. Create parking elsewhere with a shuttle system to allow for bike lanes on either side of the PCH. Please share your ideas and comments. Let’s find a solution.”

Please sign this petition for Safe Bike Lanes and share with your cycling friends, so that we can all enjoy riding this beautiful stretch of road safely!


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