Spokes in the Oaks Cycling Celebration Set for October 31st

The City of Thousand Oaks invites the community to come out and play on almost 2 miles of closed streets for an Open Streets celebration on October 31st from 10am until 3pm. The Spokes in the Oaks streets will be closed to motorized traffic for the day, bringing the streets alive with all forms of people-powered movement to promote better public health, flexibility and fun, sustainable transportation. Walk, bike, run, skate or try a workshop or activity at Spokes in the Oaks and get great perks to lots of area health, wellness and sustainable transportation organizations!

Everyone is encouraged  to bike, walk, skateboard or take public transportation to Spokes in the Oaks.  The route will be on Townsgate Road, Hampshire Road and a portion of Agoura Road. Parking lots will be open on Townsgate Road and Hampshire Road and accessible by roads with controlled crossings, but they may fill up fast.

Inspired by the weekly Ciclovía events in Bogotá, Colombia (established over 30 years ago), any Open Streets is a celebration that temporarily opens a stretch of city roads to all community members. Free to the public, it creates a temporary recreation and activity space, turning our roads into a park–free of motorized traffic.

There will be two stages of entertainment.  The Main Stage will be welcoming Grammy-nominated musician Lisa Loeb.  Lisa launched her career in 1994 with the song “Stay (I Missed You)”, which was included in the film “Reality Bites”.  Also performing will be local resident Brooke White. Brooke is an indie pop/folk-pop singer-songwriter and actress who was the fifth place finalist on the seventh season of American Idol.

Next to the Main Stage will be the Peddler’s Village. This area will be dedicated to Food Vendors, City Service Exhibits, Partner booths and demonstrations.

Families will want to also visit the Kids Stage where there will be performances by the Cabrillo Kids, storytime presented by the Grant Brimhall Library, a children’s Bike Rodeo and a Kids costume contest.

Since the route does pass by the Westlake Plaza, there will be trick-or-treating at some of the Plaza businesses throughout the day. Participating businesses will be decorated to welcome riders and will pass out candy. To sign up as a volunteer or sponsor for this exciting celebration to promote better public health and sustainable transportation, email Beth Pearcey Neal at [email protected] or call 805-449-2766. Our full activity line-up, with locations, times, and more details can be found at the Spokes in the Oaks celebration on the website, toaks.org/living/spokes.

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