SCNCA Implements New Bylaws, Holding Elections for Directors

The SCNCA is updating their bylaws and are currently holding the elections for directors. We received the following information to share below:

1. Vote of SCNCA Clubs & Teams to Approve Amended & Restated Bylaws
2. Director Nominations Needed

The current Southern California and Nevada Cycling Association (“SCNCA”) Board of Trustees has (1) proposed that the SCNCA Bylaws be amended and restated, and (2) set an election for all nine members of the Board of Directors in January 2016.

The Board has prepared a Memo that explains the proposed Amendment and also identifies the schedule for the vote for the Amendment of the Bylaws which started on December 31, 2015 and runs through January 9, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. The Memo may be viewed here.

You may review the proposed Amended and Restated Bylaws here.

It is very important that each Club or Team representative take the time to vote to approve the Bylaw Amendment so that we have a quorum in favor of the Amendment. Club representatives will receive an e-mail ballot.

The Board is also currently soliciting self-nominations for the Board of Directors. Four positions are for one year and five positions are for two years. If you wish to nominate yourself, please send a statement and whether you are running for a one-year or two-year position to Jan Luke via e-mail at [email protected]. Self-nominations are open until January 10, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. The election for the Directors will start on January 11, 2016 and end on January 21, 2016. The voting will be electronic through a secure web site voting portal.

The “members” of the SCNCA are all of the local Clubs and Teams in good standing with USA Cycling as of December 31, 2015. Each Club or Team gets to vote through its designated representative with USA Cycling. The vote for the Bylaw Amendment is either yes or no, and for the Director election each Club or Team will get to vote for up to nine director candidates, but may not vote for any candidate more than once.

The Memo also has a more detailed explanation of the election process and the voting schedule. Each Club and Team representative should receive not only this e-mail but an e-mail from the ElectionBuddy web site to allow for the vote on the Bylaw Amendment. Please vote as soon as you get it! If your Club or Team has not received an e-mail with a voting link, please contact Tom FitzGibbon. The voting e-mails may not be forwarded, but please share this post with teammates and Club members so that everyone can understand the process.

If you have questions about the SCNCA, please contact Jan Luke at [email protected] or review the SCNCA web site at

If you have questions about the Bylaw Amendments, the vote to approve them or the Director Election process, please contact Tom FitzGibbon at [email protected].

Thanks in advance for your cooperation and support of SCNCA and bicycle racing in Southern California.
Take care and Happy New Year and safe riding to all!

The SCNCA Board of Trustees

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