The Dirty Devil: 5th Annual Ultra-Century Mixed Surface Bicycle Event

After a successful few years, CCSD takes The Dirty Devil to the next level with an improved start/finish at Campbell Creek Ranch Estate in Alpine, CA.

CCSD, a premier sport event management company based in San Diego, CA, announced its partnership with Campbell Creek Ranch Estate in Alpine, CA to host the start/finish for the 5th Annual Dirty Devil mixed-surface ultra-century bicycle event. The 2016 Dirty Devil starts at 7am on Saturday, March 26.

CCSD’s connection with Campbell Creek Ranch is made possible by a partnership with the Kiwanis Club of Alpine, who are the beneficiary of The Dirty Devil for 2016. The Kiwanis Club of Alpine are known not only for service to the children of the world, especially those living in Alpine, but also for camaraderie and fellowship, and making the community a better place for everyone.

“We are excited about his opportunity to partner with the Kiwanis Club of Alpine and Campbell Creek Ranch Estate,” said Robert Panzera, President of CCSD. “Campbell Creek Ranch Estate is an incredible property for a start/finish location. They host large private events and weddings in an incredible outdoor space. We are happy to add that Kiwanis Club of Alpine will host the finish line BBQ, as well.”

The addition of the partnership with Campbell Creek Ranch Estate, and the connection with Kiwanis Club of Alpine as beneficiary continues The Dirty Devil’s growth and progress over the past 5 seasons. Riders will be happy to know that for the second year in a row, Mavic will be providing neutral support throughout the event and Book-A-Bike Mechanic will provide stationary mechanical support at key rest stops along the course.

Robert added, “The Dirty Devil is one of the toughest and most rewarding mixed-surface ultra-century courses in Southern California. We are happy to continue this annual tradition, including a King of the Mountain (KOM)/Queen of the Mountain (QOM) Challenge on uphill dirt sections. We look forward to providing excellent and well-provisioned rest stops along the courses, along with a fun finish with a delicious BBQ, local beer, and music.”

About The Dirty Devil

The 5th annual Dirty Devil is California’s premier (and most challenging) road bike ultra century, which includes up to 28 miles of packed dirt roads. Route options available: 84 miles, or tackle the whole 127 mile course. The Dirty Devil features a King of the Mountain (KOM)/Queen of the Mountain (QOM) Challenge on uphill dirt sections. All packed dirt roads are challenging, but road bike friendly. The Dirty Devil 2016 will start at 7am on Saturday, March 26 from Campbell Creek Ranch Estate.

Facebook Event Page:


Campbell Creek Ranch Estate:
Kiwanis Club of Alpine:
Book A Bike Mechanic:
Eliel Cycling:


Robert Panzera
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 917.543.2670

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