The Silver State 508 – World’s Premier Weekend Ultra Cycling Race Returns September 14 to 16

The Silver State 508 -World’s Premier Weekend Ultra Cycling Race

The Silver State 508 Celebrates it’s 35th Anniversary Edition

Come make your mark in the 35-year history of The Silver State 508 by registering as a solo, two-person relay team, or four-person relay team!

Founded by John Marino in 1983 and recognized as “The Toughest 48 hours in Sport,” Silver State 508 is the world’s premier weekend ultra cycling race. This 508-mile bicycle race is revered the world over for its epic mountain climbs, stark desert scenery, desolate roads, and its reputation as one of the toughest but most gratifying endurance challenges available, bar none.

Solo, two-person relay, and four-person relay divisions are offered, with sub-categories for tandems, recumbents, fixed gear, and classic bikes.

The Silver State 508 -World’s Premier Weekend Ultra Cycling Race

Silver State 508 is a Race Across AMerica (RAAM) Qualifier.

Silver State 508 is starts and finishes in Reno, NV and crosses northern Nevada on Hwy 50, also known as “the loneliest highway in America.”

Some exciting developments to note for the 35th edition:

  • Continued partnership with the Hilton Garden Inn, as it provides a perfect place to host the start/finish and the post-race breakfast.
  • New convenient and lovely pre-race meeting location: The Grove at South Creek.
  • Back by popular demand: the randonneur division. We will have a more rigorous application process, considering The 508 is “The Toughest 48 Hours in Sport.”
  • NEW FOR 2018: 50/50 division, meaning this entry is for two-person (or two-tandem) teams, where one teammate (or tandem) rides from the start to Eureka and the other teammate (or tandem) rides from Eureka to the finish for a total overall finishing time.
  • There are course records to be had! Review the updated course record list and find your slot to bid for eternal glory at The 508:
  • Did you know that Interbike will be in Reno starting around the time The 508 finishes? Might be a chance to plug into more of the cycling community. If you are already in Reno, might as well extend your stay at the Hilton Garden Inn.

The Silver State 508 -World’s Premier Weekend Ultra Cycling Race


Overall Stats: 506.10 miles / 21,927 feet of gain and loss / 3889 ft min altitude / 7485 ft max altitude

Stage One: Reno to Geiger Grade to Virginia City to Silver Springs

46.00 miles / 2842 ft elevation gain / 3118 ft elevation loss / 4204 ft min altitude / 6817 ft max altitude

Stage Two: Silver Springs to Fallon

31.39 miles / 266 ft elevation gain / 489 ft elevation loss / 4084  ft min altitude / 4462 ft max altitude

Stage Three: Fallon to Austin

106.41 miles / 5049 ft elevation gain / 2661 ft elevation loss / 3940 ft min altitude / 7245 ft max altitude

Stage Four: Austin to Eureka

70.10 miles / 2799 ft elevation gain / 2729 ft elevation loss / 5816 ft min altitude / 7470 ft max altitude

Stage Five: Eureka to Austin

70.09 miles / 2753 ft elevation gain / 2733 ft elevation loss / 5848 ft min altitude / 7556 ft max altitude

Stage Six: Austin to Fallon

112.53 miles / 2730 ft elevation gain / 5036 ft elevation loss / 4180 ft min altitude / 7446 ft max altitude

Stage Seven: Fallon to Silver Springs

25.47 miles / 499 ft elevation gain / 292 ft elevation loss / 4221 ft min altitude / 4560 ft max altitude

Stage Eight: Silver Springs to Virginia City to Reno

46.85 miles / 3804 ft elevation gain / 2802 ft elevation loss / 4222 ft min altitude / 6832 ft max altitude

The Silver State 508 -World’s Premier Weekend Ultra Cycling Race


Start Line: 4580 ft

1) Geiger Summit 6789 ft (Stage 1)

2) Sand Springs Pass 4644 ft (Stage 3)

3) Drumm Summit 4600 ft (Stage 3; faux climb while heading eastward)

4) Carroll Summit 7214 ft (Stage 3)

5) Railroad Pass, Shoshone Mountains 6465 ft (Stage 3)

6) Austin Summit 7484 ft (Stage 4)

7) Bob Scott Summit 7210 ft (Stage 4)

8) Hickson Summit 6546 ft (Stage 4)

Turn-Around in Eureka: 6481 ft (End of Stage 4; Start of Stage 5)

9) Hickson Summit 6546 ft (Stage 5 – return)

10) Bob Scott Summit 7210 ft (Stage 5 – return)

11) Austin Summit 7484 ft (Stage 5 – return)

12) Railroad Pass, Shoshone Mountains 6465 ft (Stage 6 – return)

13) Carroll Summit 7214 ft (Stage 6 – return)

14) Drumm Summit 4600 ft (Stage 6 – return; faux climb)

15) Sand Springs Pass 4644 ft (Stage 6 – return)

16) Up Six Mile Canyon to Virginia City 6170 ft, then over Geiger Summit 6789 ft (Stage 8 – return)

Finish Line: 4580 ft

Learn more and register: &

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