Support Safer Streets in California by Supporting Complete Streets for Active Living Bill (SB 127)

Support Safer Streets

People for Bikes has shared the following news that impacts cyclists in California regarding legislation for the Complete Streets for Active Living Bill (SB 127) that is advocated by the California Bicycle Coalition. 

The bill to adopt a Complete Streets policy in California has made it to the Assembly floor but needs one final push from you to get approved by the state’s legislature.

Senate Bill 127 would require the California Department of Transportation to prioritize bike and pedestrian safety and infrastructure anytime the department maintains or resurfaces state-owned roads that run through communities and serve as main streets.
If passed, this would create roads with safer sidewalks, visible crosswalks and protected bicycle lanes – changes that could transform your local communities into comfortable and convenient spaces for pedestrians, bike riders and anyone that uses the road.
The Assembly can vote on this bill as soon as Friday, Sept. 6. We encourage you to click the link above to send a letter to your Assembly member today, urging them to vote yes on this bill.

People for Bikes has already took the first step and drafted a message for you to support safer streets today. 

According to the California Bicycle Coalition,

The Complete Streets for Active Living Bill (SB 127) passed two tough Assembly committees. Now, Caltrans is pulling out all the stops to defeat what may be the most important piece of legislation CalBike has ever sponsored.

The Complete Streets Bill will require Caltrans to add features that make streets safer for all users, such as protected bike lanes, when it repairs or repaves local streets. It will free thousands of Californians to get around by biking and walking, instead of being trapped in their cars.

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