At a training camp in Gran Canaria, Peter Sagan, his brother Juraj, and Erik Baska tested positive for COVID-19. All three are well and in quarantine.
“Peter, Erik and Juraj tested positive for the SARS-Cov-2 virus several times via independent PCR tests. All three are exhibiting mild, general symptoms of illness and at this time are able to remain in domestic quarantine in accordance with state guidelines until they recover. There remains close communication with the medical team. Once quarantine has been completed, further comprehensive medical evaluations are planned.” – Christopher Edler, MD, Head of Medical
“For a few weeks now, my brother Juraj, our teammate Erik Baska, and I have been training in Gran Canaria. On January 29th, we had a PCR test done in a local laboratory in order to be able to fly back home. Unfortunately, the results weren’t what we would have hoped for and all three of us tested positive for Covid-19. We are all feeling well but, obviously, since that day, we have remained in quarantine. From the moment we received the positive test results, we have had the full support of the team and I’d like to thank our manager Ralph Denk and our medical department for this. Although we are thousands of kilometers away and in isolation, we always felt as if we were right next to them. We are kept under continuous remote supervision and will remain here for as long as required. Hopefully, our next test results will be negative so that we can resume our normal training schedule as soon as possible.” – Peter Sagan
“The timing is certainly not ideal, but then again, there is no good time to become ill with Covid. Peter was – and is – extremely motivated, and that’s why he was already quite far along in his preparatory build-up for the season. But the most important thing now is that all three are well and not displaying any severe symptoms. Our medical department is in very close contact with them, and the care that they are receiving is as optimal as is possible. What this means for the start of the season cannot yet be exactly known. First, all three must be fully healthy again and receive medical clearance, and then we can consider what the next steps will be.” – Ralph Denk, Team Manager
Photo © BORA – hansgrohe / Chiara Redaschi
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