911 Law News – Cycling Wins & Non-Profits

The Law Firm of Richard L. Duquette and Attorney Richard Duquette has been fighting for full justice for bicyclists for 38 years as an experienced and successful trial lawyer. Over the years, the Law Firm of Richard L. Duquette has contributed to the bicycling community including in 2022 to Non-Profits helping kids learn bicycle mechanics skills and lessons that hard work and literacy are rewarded, buying adaptive sports wheelchairs & sponsoring sports events!

In addition, the Law Firm of Richard L. Duquette provides helpful tips for cyclists with comprehensive legal articles and podcasts including why cyclists should carry a strong automobile uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) motorist coverage policy limits because it will protect you not only in your car but also if you are hit by a car while on your bicycle or on foot. Learn More

Cycling Wins & Non-Profits


$20 Million Settlement Obtained for Paralyzed Bicyclist in San Diego

Panish Shea & Boyle LLP attorneys Tom Schultz and Deborah Chang and Richard L. Duquette of the Law Firm of Richard L. Duquette obtained a $20,000,000 settlement for a San Diego County bicyclist and his wife after the man suffered quadriplegia as a result of riding his bicycle into an unmarked, unattended, and undetected open construction trench in the City of San Diego. The incident occurred despite the fact that both the State of California and the City of San Diego had previously promulgated plans to increase biking and promote biking safety. Read More

$2.25 Million Settlement Obtained for Brain Injured Bicyclist

The Law Firm of Richard L. Duquette and Trial Lawyers for Justice Trial Teams obtained a $2,250,000 settlement for a San Diego County bicyclist who was “doored”. The incident occurred on a street without a marked bicycle lane or sharrows. Read More

$1.4 Million Settlement Obtained for Bicyclist Hit by a Truck Trailer

Confidential Settlement

The Law Firm of Richard Duquette Obtains a Six-Figure Settlement for a Triathlete

OCEANSIDE, California, July 29-2021–A policy limits six-figure settlement was reached for an injured Ironman triathlete by his bicycle injury trial lawyer Richard L. Duquette of Oceanside, California.

On 5/8/2021, the triathlete was returning home from a training ride, when a car made an abrupt “right hook” turn in front of him near a freeway on-ramp, causing the crash. The bicyclist’s right arm was fractured by the crash. Surgery was required. Read More

Six-Figure Settlement for a Carlsbad Bicyclist

OCEANSIDE, California, July 8, 2021-·A solid six-figure settlement was reached for an injured Carlsbad bicyclist by his bicycle injury trial lawyer Richard L. Duquette of Oceanside, California, with co-counsel Michael Norton, Esq. Read More

Six-Figure Settlement for an Injured Bicyclist

OCEANSIDE, California, June 30, 2021–A generous six-figure settlement was reached for bicyclist Dave Nicolai by his bicycle injury trial lawyer Richard l. Duquette of Oceanside, California, with co-counsel Daniel Petrov and Michael Norton. Read More

In The Community

The Law Firm of Richard L Duquette has donated to several non-profit organizations that assist athletes, bicyclists, and adapted sports. We are proud to support non-profits, including the Kiwanis Club, and Bikes 4 Kids project.

Attorney Richard L. Duquette Newest Bikes 4 Kids Project Sponsor We are excited to share that Attorney Richard L. Duquette is one of the newest sponsors for the Bikes 4 Kids Project. Learn More

Bikes 4 Kids Project
Attorney Richard L. Duquette is one of the newest sponsors for the Bikes 4 Kids Project.

The Law Firm of Richard L Duquette also contributed to the following non-profits and events:

    • Go Cycling Now USA (GCN USA) – 5 credit Program@ charter School in North San Diego County – Safety Instruction, nutritional information, teaching students how to build bicycles getting hands-on knowledge transferable to diverse industries.  Learn More
    • TEAM HOYT – Team Hoyt San Diego is inspired by the father-son duo team of Dick and Rick Hoyt.   Learn More
    • Dave Nicolai AIDS(HIV)/Life Cycle Fundraising ride from San Francisco 2022
    • Life Sports Foundation / KOZ Events NON-PROFIT – for purchase of a wheelchair for an athlete.



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