Results: Barry Wolfe Grand Prix & Masters State Criterium Championships

The 2024 Barry Wolfe Grand Prix was held over the Memorial Day Weekend in the Thousand Oaks community and was hosted by Serious Cycling.

The 2024 Barry Wolfe Grand Prix was held over the Memorial Day Weekend in the Thousand Oaks community and was hosted by Serious Cycling.  The Barry Wolfe Grand Prix also hosted the California Masters State Criterium Championships

Andrew Carr (Voler Factory Racing p/b Schnur Racing) won the sprint from a breakaway in the Men’s Pro 1-3 with Chris Hildreth (Team SIX) in 2nd and Alejandro Che (Hot Tubes) in 3rd.

Laurel Rathburn (Incycle) won the women’s race ahead of Georgetta Ungureana (iSpeed-Felt) in 2nd and Kayla Davis (Serious Cycling) in 3rd.

Barry Wolfe Grand Prix Results

Full Results

Women’s 1-3

1 Laurel RATHBUN incycle
2 Georgeta UNGUREANU iSpeed-FELT
3 Kayla DAVIS

Men’s Pro 1-3

1 Andrew CARR Voler Factory Racing p/b Schnur Racing
2 Chris HILDRETH Team Six
3 Alejandro CHE

SCNCA Masters State Criterium Championships Results

After a day of fast racing, the California Masters State Criterium Championships crowned the following champions that earned Championship jerseys after winning their respective races:

Women 35+

1 Jade STEVENS Major Motion Racing LLC
2 Heather OBRIEN Incycle Team
3 Melissa MEDDOCK

Masters 35-39

1 Steve BROWN Bahati Foundation

Masters 40-44

1 Rahsaan BAHATI Texas Roadhouse Cycling Team
2 Steven SALAZAR Texas Roadhouse Cycling Team
3 Louis TEJEDA Big Orange Cycling Team

Masters 45-49

1 Michael EASTER SRCT/SignaturePayments/WWPLIFE Team
2 Norman CARTER
3 Eric ANDERSON Bahati Foundation

Masters 50-54

1 Charon SMITH Bahati Foundation
2 John GARBO Go Fast
3 Kevin PHILLIPS Ironfly

Masters 55-59

1 Bart CLIFFORD E-Voke Racing
2 Espen KATERAAS Team Fitter Team

Masters 60-64

1 Jon NIST Monster Racing Cadence Cyclery
2 William LUPO 805 Race Team
3 Christopher HAHN The Meteor Team

Masters 65-69

1 Evan TESKE
2 Jeff NEWMAN Team Simple Green/MediaSpot/RocknRoad
3 John AVILA S2

Masters 70-74

1 Bryan PATTERSON Velo Kings Racing p/b ATP Coaching
2 Juan MUNOZ Padyak Racing Team
3 Ricky SHORTS Bahati Foundation
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