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The Amazing Race host Phil Keoghan Leads New Campaign Against MS

Keoghan’s New Team of Pro Cyclists will pair up with Honorary Teammates,
people living with MS, bringing them to the front line of their own battle

5/24/11 - It’s a new spin for Phil Keoghan who’s known for racing around the world in the seven-time Emmy Award winning hit CBS reality series The Amazing Race and for his 2009 bike ride across America, now a critically acclaimed film The Ride currently selling out theaters from coast to coast.

Also, Keoghan is founder of No Opportunity Wasted (NOW), a lifestyle brand that promotes a no more shoulda, coulda, woulda philosophy of living life to the fullest. “It’s time to ditch the excuses!” says Keoghan.

On Tuesday, May 24, 2011, Keoghan will launch his latest adventure—a team of world-class professional female cyclists NOW and Novartis for MS who will race the professional racing circuit and tour the country, riding tandem with honorary teammates, women and men living with MS, in 10 high-profile charitable Bike MS events put on by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS).

Keoghan’s New Team of Pro Cyclists will pair up with Honorary Teammates, people living with MS.

“My goal is to keep MS in the news, keep fighting the battle,” says Keoghan. He’s done just that. In the 40 days of Keoghan’s 2009 cross-country ride, he raised over $500,000 for NMSS. Additional fundraising efforts and box office profits from The Ride, a documentary of the adventure, have brought in another $200,000. In fact, the film has premiered in 20 cities across the US and sold out theaters.

“Now we’re bringing people living with MS to the frontlines of the battle. We want them to take control and not be defined by the disease.” Keoghan has teamed up with Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation to create the first of its kind pro cycling team that will continue to spread awareness by bringing MS patients themselves into the spotlight.

“This project is near and dear to our hearts. We’ve all been touched by this disease and now it’s time to all come together in the fight against it.” says Keoghan. This truly is a personal battle for Keoghan who has a relative who has been battling MS for 14 years.

Take advantage of the opportunity to get the story Tuesday, May 24, 2011, on the eve of World MS Day. Keoghan together with Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation will reveal their new campaign to raise awareness. Keoghan will discuss his passion for his role as an ambassador in the fight against MS. Future honorary teammate Ana Mole will tell her story. Photos and videos will be available of Keoghan and the world-class professional female cyclists of NOW and Novartis for MS who will be bringing their honorary teammates to the frontlines, leading the charge.