Report & Photos: ‘Cross is the Cure for What Ails You

The age-old remedy for a hangover is, what? Anybody? The “hair of the dog,” right? The next morning when you wake up with a furry tongue and a revolting belly and a headache that can be detected from the International Space Station, you’re supposed to have a few more sips of what got you into this condition in the first place. Not that I would know. Can’t endorse it. Honest.

This past weekend some parallels could be drawn through SoCalCross racing activities. Speaking figuratively, of course, although I know there were a few cases where it was a literal comparison. There was plenty of Octoberfesting going on, after all.

Anyway, on Saturday night the infamous Spooky Cross event took place. It was epic. Chris Jackson might not agree, but a flock of fast riders battling this tight from the starting whistle to the timing stripe always makes me a bit giddy. It was hard to come away from Spooky Cross without feeling a bit, um, wasted.

So how do you recover from something like that? The next day you click in and imbibe some more! The follicles of the hound in this case was Krosstober-Fest, included in day two of the three-ring circus dubbed the L.A. Bikefest at the Fairplex in Pomona. That was extensively epic too.

Another few hundred amateur ‘crossers as well as the same cast of UCI Elite characters took a big swallow and did it all again. The only significant difference from the night before was it took place earlier and in much better light.

You’ve probably already seen the heap of exquisite images and words already posted on this site from Spooky Cross. Here are some from Krosstober-Fest I humbly submit for your approval. Don’t you feel better already?

For full results and more, visit the SoCalCross Prestige Series website.

Photos & Report By Phil Beckman/PB Creative

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