Sho-Air International Takes On UCI/USAC “Forbidden Race” Ruling

Sho-Air International, “Top Tiered” NICA sponsor, Principle sponsor of a half dozen independent club teams with membership exceeding 1,000, primary sponsor of the US Cup, as well as the title sponsor of the Sho-Air / Cannondale Factory North America mountain bike race team, announced today that a full roster of riders from Team Sho-Air / Cannondale are being sent to participate at the Whiskey 50. This action is in spite of the current mandate from the UCI and USA Cycling regarding rule 1.2.019 that forbids UCI license holders from participation in non-sanctioned events.

The team roster for the Whiskey 50 includes current Pro XCT series leader Jeremiah Bishop, 2012 Pro XCT/Pro UET Champion and two time defending  Whiskey 50 champion Monique “Pua”  Mata, along with NUE 100 opener winner Alex Grant and former Master World Champion Tinker Juarez.

The Sho-Air/Cannondale squad is the first to make a public statement and stand against the current mandate regarding rule 1.2.019 handed down Friday April 5th by UCI president Pat McQuaid.

Sho-Air Company President and CEO, R. Scott Tedro had this to say about his decision to send team riders to the Whiskey 50 in spite of potential action by USAC. “We have had hundreds of phone calls, e-mails and Facebook posts regarding this issue by fans, friends and fellow riders stating their discontent and asking for help.  We have always done our best to support USAC by permitting, and inscripting our events in the past and may continue in the future, as well as given countless hours of our time in assisting them in the promotion of the sport. Our proven and continued support of Cycling at all levels and activates from Mountain Biking, Road Cycling to Sponsorship and Promotion speaks for itself as to our commitment to the industry and its fans.

I have spent countless hours trying to negotiate a solution for all parties involved regarding this issue to no avail. The time has come to take a stand and lead by example, as this issue will affect us all, not only the Professional rider, but the Master and Junior amateur rider as well, that just want to race their bikes and have fun. We also are supporting the promoter’s right to choose not to sanction with USA Cycling. Freedom of choice is a right that must be protected.

We are supporting Todd Sadow and Epic Rides and will attend his event, the Whiskey 50, in full force.  We do not recognize the UCI or USAC’s authority to take away unalienable rights of liberty when it comes to a riders desire to compete against his or her peers whether it be to earn a living as is the case for a Professional, or to experience the joys of competing for fun while pursuing a healthy lifestyle as an amateur.  We challenge the UCI and USAC to fine our riders for representing their team, sponsors and fans by participating in the Whiskey 50.  Any negative action taken towards our team or riders will be met with an immediate and appropriate response.”

Team Director Ty Kady welcomes the opportunity to take a stand.

“I’ve been pushing Scott for several years to really make USAC stand up for mountain bikers and the sport here in the US.  This is a perfect opportunity for USAC to support all their licensed members by giving the UCI pushback on a rule that clearly doesn’t work with the US model of mountain biking. However they have yet to make a stand against the UCI.  As the promoter of two Pro XCT and two PRO UET events in 2013, what’s even more grievous is USAC offers no overall prize money for their Pro XCT or Pro UET series champion, even though they claim them to be the “premier” US Mountain bike series.  They offer no financial support for promoters, who actually do host a UCI event on their behalf, yet now they want to tell racers when and where and for whom they can race their bikes?  That doesn’t sit well with me, especially when it’s obvious they are doing nothing to bolster their own series so riders can try and earn income.

 Photo © Christy Nicholson /
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