SCNCA Junior Cycling Camp Presented By CCSD to be Held January 4 & 5

The SCNCA Junior Camp presented by CCSD is being held on Saturday and Sunday, January 4 and 5, 2014. This camp is designed to bring together juniors aged 10 to 18 from Southern California and Nevada, who wish to race in 2014 or have previous racing experience. Through social and educational modules juniors will learn or relearn skills, go on a group ride with juniors in the same age group and/or ability level, and learn about preparation for racing. This educational weekend camp will start off the season properly for juniors racing in the SCNCA sphere, while keeping the atmosphere light and fun, saving the competition for race days in 2014. Per SCNCA for attending junior camp: 2 upgrade points per day for a cat 4-3 upgrade 1 race credit per day for a 5-4 upgrade.

Camp Details:

  • When: Saturday, January 4 and Sunday, January 5, 2014
  • Where: Orange County (Location is being finalized)
  • Cost: $40 for 2 days or $25 for 1 day (+ processing fee)

Special Note: SoCal Cup winners will get their jerseys and medals (medals to 5th place in each age category) at the camp!



Photo © Christy Nicholson /

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