USA Cycling has notified their members that USA Cycling’s membership data has been accessed via a security breach.
Derek Bouchard-Hall, USA Cycling’s President & CEO,  wrote, “We learned two days ago of a data security incident within USA Cycling’s IT systems that could include some of your personal information associated with online accounts, including your name, mailing address, email address, date of birth, emergency contact, and your USA Cycling password. It does NOT include any drivers’ license or state ID numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, Social Security numbers, or medical or health insurance information, as we do not store such information.
What we know of the incident is that a hacker gained access to at least some of our databases within the last two weeks. We have been in contact with the authorities, and have employed a leading cyber security expert to advise us in this matter. We believe we have now secured all our systems and face no further data security risks. We are notifying you as soon as we were able to assess the situation and secure our systems.
Though we know of no inappropriate use of any data, we are notifying you so that you can take precautionary measures to protect yourself from identify theft or other forms of fraud. In particular, we advise that if your USA Cycling password is used in other accounts, you change your password in those other accounts immediately. In addition, we have secured all USA Cycling accounts and will require you to change your password before you will be able to next log into USA Cycling’s systems.
Provided below is a unique password reset link that is associated with your account:
Click the link above to create a new USA Cycling password now. It is essential that you reset your password using this link, as that will be the only way you will be able to access your account going forward.
We understand you may be nervous about clicking on this link. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this incident or the validity of the link, or if you face any issues accessing your account, you may reach us at [email protected] or (719) 434-4200. We will be available this evening and over the weekend to provide assistance.
Please do change any passwords which matched your USA Cycling password and click on the link above to reset your USA Cycling password now.”
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