Long-time Bicycle Advocate Bradley Woehl, owner of the oldest bike shop in San Francisco – American Cyclery at Golden Gate Park, is seeking your help to build a cycling themed parklet to enhance the neighborhood of the shop, and to elevate bicycling to the general public.
View video to learn more about this project:
The project came to fruition through discussions between Woehl and his friend Dennis Budd of Gast Architects. “Parklets are taking over parking spaces in cities across the country,” states Woehl, “we thought it would be great to replace car parking with a bicycle-themed setting, including a bicycle station and rider amenities for people to meet up at before or after rides. It is designed to honor the Six-Days heritage of the founder of our shop, Oscar Juner. The city has approved the project, we just need some help from our friends to complete the financing!”
Rewards for contributing range from being able to brand the “Velodrome” in the parklet with your name, to Deluxe Tune-Ups, Guided Tours, a VIP Grand Opening Party, T-Shirts, Bells, Water Bottles and more…
There are only 8 days left to contribute to the IndieGoGo campaign that will fund this much-needed amenity to the streets of San Francisco.
Visit IndieGoGo to support an advocate for cycling.
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