The Rock Cobbler 9.0 and Pebble Cobbler 5.0 gravel race is an early season favorite among gravel racers that are looking for a challenge. Sam Ames, the promoter describes the event as:
The World Famous Rock Cobbler is a stupidly hard ride bordering on a race. The Pebbler is less stupidly hard but still a true challenge. As always we are passionate and driven to showcase roads, dirt trails, gravel and a VERY challenging route not yet ridden, not yet tamed.
Rock Cobbler 9.0 and Pebble Cobbler 5.0 Results
In the Rock Cobbler, Pete Stetina (Let’s Privateer) won the Men’s race with a time of 04:49:13.327 and Moriah Wilson (Specialized-The Meteor) won the women’s race with a time of 05:28:56.340.
In the Pebbler 5.0, Zach Allen (SCV Mountain Bike) won the men’s race with a time of 04:22:26.903 and Joy McCulloch (Big Wheel Coaching) won the women’s race in 04:24:30.250.
Hard Charging Bull Goes Nuts
As the cyclists navigated the steep green hills and trails of Bakersfield, at least 2 cyclists got more than they bargained for in the form of an angry bull that was agitated by the influx of hundreds of cyclists on its home turf. As the riders passed the bull, the sudden movement brought out the territorial aggressiveness of the bull with a charge to riders and their bike that knocked them to the ground with amazing force. As both riders tried to get up from the ground, the bull came at the riders with a second charge scooping them off the ground with his horns like you see in the Spanish bull fights.
The video below shows the crazy altercation. We hope the riders are okay and did not suffer any injuries and will be back on the bike soon!
As more riders hit the trails on gravel and mountain bikes this is a good reminder to give animals their space and respect them in their habitat as they can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous to humans.
Photo by Ondrej Bocek on Unsplash
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