Build Your Brand – Parcours Institute is coming to LA January 20 – 22

The Parcours Institute, home of the worlds first certification for pro cycling recognized by professional teams, is coming to the Los Angeles area Jan 20 – 22, 2017.  The Build Your Brand weekend will be a series of workshops geared towards helping you tell your story, get noticed, support your sponsors, network with teams and become a sustainable and valuable part of one of North America’s best professional cycling teams.  Perfect for athletes, aspiring team staffers or coaches and program leaders looking for the insight to help their programs and athletes thrive. readers can get a special discount of 10% by entering “” as their group when they register at 

Weekend includes:

  • 3 days of work shops
  • A session on the Velo Sports Center Velodrome with an Olympian
  • Tickets to the World Cup of Track  Cycling happening Feb 25 – 26
  • Lunch on Saturday and Sunday
  • First hand insight on Olympics, World Championships and the Tour of California and the team, staff and athlete requirements of participating in these events.

Check out the comments from previous participants!

“I wish I had known all of this information a few years ago. Looking back at what I learned there is so much knowledge that crosses over with some much more than just cycling; things like how to represent yourself, how to deal with others and I gained a totally new insight into how marketing works.”

“I’ve worked in higher education with student athletes for over a decade and know that this is valuable material.”

Register now, space is limited!

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Twitter: @ParcoursIns
Instagram: parcours.ins

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