Top Reasons to Get on a Bike (for Life)

Everyone should learn to ride a bike. It’s as easy as… well, riding a bike. And most importantly, once you learn to ride, you will never stop.

Whether you’re looking to save money, intend to eventually lose weight, or even intend to make the world around you a little bit better, the reasons you’re about to read will explain the benefits of cycling. And if you’re looking for another way to add excitement to your routine, consider checking out Richard Casino login. It’s a great way to mix things up and enjoy some online gaming fun!

The Reasons

1. It is Very Good for Your Heart

Let’s start with the most obvious one. You don’t have to take part in a mountain bike rally in bad weather or break a sweat during training to feel the benefits of cycling. It’s enough to cycle 33 kilometres a week to reduce the risk of coronary artery disease by 50%. Imagine, even such an unathletic, overweight person in the middle of his fourth decade, like the author of these lines 4 years ago, managed to cover this distance in less than two hours.

2. It Will Strengthen Your Immune System

Cycling provides normal physical activity, which gives your body the strength to cope with colds and seasonal infections faster than if you were a couch potato. A person is healthier the more they move.

3. A Bicycle is an Economical Means of Transport

It’s a great way to spend money on something more important. There’s no need to spend money on fares or petrol when you can cycle to work. Among other things, it eliminates the need to listen to pointless radio programmes with boring new products and interruptions that make it impossible to listen to your favourite song.

4. The Car Will Last Longer

I’m not kidding. For short journeys, it is better to take a bicycle. The more often you ride it, the less stress on the car. Frequent short journeys shorten the life of the engine. Frequent switching on and off of the engine causes the engine oil to heat up insufficiently and does not lubricate the moving parts well, so they wear out faster.

5. Preserve the Presentation of Your Car

The less you drive your car, the less likely it is to get beat up or scratched – keep it looking new and clean for longer. And when you decide to sell it, low mileage will increase its value. It makes perfect sense if you think about it.

6. The Best Way to Make Money from a Car is to Sell It

I understand that the idea of trading in your car for a bike sounds ridiculous, but maybe you should think about whether you really need a car, especially if you don’t use it very often or only go to work. You can also save money on car insurance, tax, maintenance and repairs. By the way, for that matter, a bicycle is much cheaper to maintain than a car.

7. Sell One Car…

What, again about the car? That’s right. Nowadays, many families own several cars. Do you really need both of them? Not so long ago, having two cars was considered a whim of rich people. Okay, enough about them. The next tip will definitely excite you.

8. The Content of Vitamin D Increases

However, a lack of sun has a negative impact on mood, and, worse, it has been found that a lack of vitamin D increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, and genetic damage.

9. Eternal Life

Well, not exactly eternal, but it can be significantly extended and the possibility of getting cancer can be reduced. “Regular physical activity had a positive effect on life expectancy in all three groups we studied: normal weight, overweight, and obese people,” said Stephen Moore, lead researcher of a large-scale project to study the effects of physical activity. So, even if you are not in the best shape or are overweight now, you can expect to live a long life if you just get on a bike.

10. Benefit for Your Country

As the world’s population grows, so does the burden on each country’s infrastructure. It costs billions of dollars every year to maintain existing roads and build new ones. If everyone who has the opportunity switches from a car to a bicycle, there will be no need to build a new road to relieve traffic.

11. The Opportunity to See More When Travelling Around the World

When you go on holiday, you can quickly get from one place to another by car or plane. But isn’t the point of travelling to see the world? You don’t have to cycle 150 kilometres a day. My best cycling trip was a holiday on the Spanish coast. Every day we rode no more than 30-50 kilometres, but we saw so much and visited places that we would hardly have reached by car. We went where there are no roads. It was wonderful.

12. You Can Look Stylish…

…when you pull up for coffee on a cruiser. You don’t have to pedal at breakneck speed all the time.

13. A Buzz Without Harmful Effects

“Runner’s euphoria” is a well-known phenomenon that is much talked about nowadays. Despite its name, it is not only runners who can experience it. All you need to do is be more or less trained and ride for a while. Once you try it, you will probably want to do it again, and then again and again. The euphoria of a runner is difficult to describe in clear terms to someone who has never experienced it. 

14. Familiar Places Open Up in a New Way

Once you get on a bike, you’ll realise that it’s not so convenient to ride on the roadway. And then you will discover a lot of new details in seemingly familiar places that you didn’t notice while you were driving past them in a car. You’ll discover a river you didn’t even know existed and a cafe that serves the best latte in the Northern Hemisphere. When you see how many people don’t notice all the interesting things around their home, you realise what a great place you live in.

15. You Can Lose Weight

What do people usually do when they decide to lose weight? The first thing they do is buy running shoes and ridiculous sweatpants and start running. Without a doubt, this activity gives a good result, and you can lose a couple of kilograms, but with a bike, the success will be more noticeable, and this will have a good effect on your state of mind. “Yesterday I cycled 8 kilometres” sounds much better than “yesterday I ran 800 metres”. It’s up to you, of course – I’ve already made my choice – but think about it: what sounds better?

16. Cycling is Not Excessive

As I said, running is a perfectly normal way to lose weight, but it’s not for everyone. Especially if you have no experience of significant physical exertion and you are overweight. In your case, cycling is a less tiring activity with fewer consequences for your body and more gradual but reliable weight loss.

17. Cycling for the Lazy

Many fitness trainers advise starting workouts with a bicycle. This way, you will develop muscles and endurance without the unpleasant consequences that are inevitable if you are an untrained person who decides to take up running. Once your body has adapted to physical activity, you can start running. But not earlier. And remember that the day after your first run, you’ll probably feel like a road roller ran over you.

18. Cycling Helps You Lose Weight Faster

Even if you are ready to run for three days and not die from it, try this: alternate cycling and running days. The bike will give you a break from the impact of running. It won’t be easy to cover a longer distance at the same time, and your muscles will benefit from a variety of loads. Both types of exercise work for weight loss, but cycling allows you to train longer and burn more calories. 

19. When You See Results, You Want to Continue

It is very easy to give up any activity at the beginning, when there are no noticeable results yet. Cycling as part of your training programme will help you get results faster and you will not want to quit. In addition, if you alternate cycling and running, it will be easier for you to adapt to training. Those 50 minutes of running (by the way, I didn’t start with 50 minutes right away) could well be split into, say, 20 minutes of running and 30 minutes of cycling. It’s not a problem to run for 20 minutes, is it?

20. Keep Your Body in Good Shape

Once you reach your desired weight, you will not want to return to your previous state. Therefore, you need to maintain your shape. Yes, it may not be as fun and rewarding as during your active weight loss, but on the other hand, cycling is a fun and easy way to stay in shape.

21. Cycling Builds Muscle Mass

You will not only lose weight but also build muscle. Most of the effort falls on the legs, although the upper part of the body also develops, especially if you ride a mountain bike and ride off-road. Cycling is not only a cardio workout. During training, you will increase your overall endurance and strengthen all your muscles. My experience has shown that cycling is also a good abs workout. After 2 months of intensive training, I started to feel my abdominal muscles, although I did not focus on them during training. However, if you need strong legs, cycling will help you achieve the best results.

22. It’s Easier to Motivate Yourself

When you cycle to work, you don’t need extra time to train. On the way to work, you train! Another good reason is that the less time you spend on training, the more free time you will have, and you will have more motivation for other activities.

23. Cycling Helps You Eat Properly

To get the most out of cycling, you need to eat healthily. Eating junk food can make you feel weak, so eating healthy food is essential for your health and performance.

24. A Realistic Idea of Eating

You will start to notice the effect of food on your performance. For example, before a long workout, I usually eat a bar of dark chocolate. It helps me pedal faster and further.

25. Cycling Helps You Meet New People

Cycling is not only a great way to stay in shape but also a great way to meet new people. You can join a cycling club or go on cycling trips with friends. It is a great way to socialise and make new friends.

26. A Great Way to Spend Time with Family

Cycling is a great activity for the whole family. You can go on a bike ride with your children and enjoy nature together. It is a great way to spend time with your loved ones and stay in shape at the same time.

27. Cycling Helps You Save Money

Cycling is not only good for your health but also for your wallet. You can save money on gym memberships, petrol, and car maintenance. Plus, you can save money on healthcare costs by staying healthy and fit.

28. A Great Way to Explore Your City

Cycling is a great way to explore your city and discover new places. You can take a different route every day and see parts of the city that you would never have seen if you were driving a car.

29. Cycling is Good for the Environment

Cycling is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment. By cycling instead of driving, you can reduce air pollution and help combat climate change.

30. A Great Way to Relax

Cycling is a great way to relax and clear your mind. It is a great way to get away from the stresses of everyday life and enjoy nature. Plus, the endorphins released during exercise can help improve your mood and reduce stress.

31. Cycling Helps You Sleep Better

Regular exercise, such as cycling, can help improve your sleep quality. It can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply. Plus, it can help reduce the symptoms of insomnia and other sleep disorders.

32. A Great Way to Improve Your Mental Health

Cycling is not only good for your physical health but also for your mental health. Regular exercise can help reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Plus, it can help improve your mood and increase your overall sense of well-being.

33. Cycling Helps You Set and Achieve Goals

Cycling is a great way to set and achieve goals. Whether it’s cycling a certain distance or improving your speed, setting goals can help keep you motivated and focused. Plus, achieving your goals can give you a sense of accomplishment and boost your self-esteem.

34. Cycling is Fun

Last but not least, cycling is fun! It is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, stay in shape, and spend time with friends and family. Plus, it is a great way to relieve stress and have fun at the same time.


So, there you have it. Thirty four reasons why you should get on a bike and start riding. Whether you’re looking to improve your health, save money, or just have fun, cycling is a great way to achieve your goals. So, what are you waiting for? Get on your bike and start riding today!


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