SPNDX Stampede Gravel vol. 2
201712novAll DaySPNDX Stampede Gravel vol. 2RegisterResults
Event Details
As true to the make up to the Stampede events we want to create an atmosphere that is worth your time. No parking lots or bike shops
Event Details
As true to the make up to the Stampede events we want to create an atmosphere that is worth your time. No parking lots or bike shops to host our rides but the beautiful Lorimar Winery where the back drop to your post Stampede ride falls into the epic category. This is no death march, bucket list item or some ridiculous monstrosity of an all day ride. Our rides are on the shorter side in the 50-60 mile range which still offer up a great challenge as most all of the route is off-road, but hey we don’t want you out there all day. We want you to get your ride in and come back to enjoy yourself and we would rather not wait till night fall to go out and get you. The route through out Temecula wine country offers up punchy climbs and scenic views. Don’t worry about traffic or any stop lights as our routes are always very rider friendly.
November 12, 2017 All Day(GMT+00:00)
Lorimar Winery, Temecula, CA
Event Web Site
Event Web SiteEvent Type
Gravel Grinder
50 miles