This Thursday, November 14, Champion System Custom Cycling Apparel will be hosting “An Evening With Champion System” at the Challenged Athletes Foundation in San Diego. The event will showcase the 2014 Champion System custom apparel line. If you ever wanted to see their full line of custom clothing now is the chance. In addition, Jim Manton of ERO Sports will be giving a presentation followed by a Q&A session about the critical role clothing plays in athlete performance and the Track Aero System’s role in optemizing performance with real-time data delivery. World Champion and Olympians have benefited from working with Jim and now is your chance to find out more about Jim’s work and ask him questions.
Need more reasons to come to the event? Teams that sign up for a custom order at the event will receive a 10% discount, you can enter a raffle to win $500 in free custom clothing and there will be food and drinks.
If your team or club would like to attend the event please email Katy Chaffin at [email protected]
Event Info:
7-8PM – Presentation by Jim Manton (Owner of ERO Sports)
Challenged Athletes Foundation
9591 Waples Street, San Diego, CA 92121
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